How the Resurgence of the Word ‘Simp’ Is a Nod to Incel Culture and Ancient Misogyny

An Opinion Piece

Jen M
15 min readJan 23, 2023
Hercules: Picture from Şafak Atalay on Unsplash

I first heard the word a few years ago from a guy friend. He was disgruntled by modern dating and by his own negative experiences in relationships. He was disappointed in himself for still being a bachelor in his mid-30s, as he’d always desired a loving, fulfilling marriage and family. Despite this dream, he was convinced his fate was to be alone for the rest of his life; forever desiring what he couldn’t have… and he told me why he thought so:

“I can’t find or keep a girl because I’m too much of a simp.”

“What’s that?”

“It means I try too hard and girls see me as beta.”

(Don’t even get me started on the words ‘alpha’ and ‘beta’).

I knew that over-giving and people-pleasing were signs of neediness and self-abandonment. Naturally, placing someone on a pedestal insinuates that you’re powerless and not the greatest catch yourself. I assumed that’s what he meant.

But then I started hearing the word used in other scenarios:

  • If a man called out another man’s misogynistic behavior, he was a ‘simp.’
  • If a man did something thoughtful for his girlfriend of wife, he was a ‘simp.’



Jen M

A freelance writer, writer, artist, geek, hopeless (and hopeful) romantic, and over-thinker.